Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Last Night AND This Morning

Alright, alright- Get your minds out of the gutter. No I am not referring to how many times I have schtupped my husband lately, I am talking about working out! After publicly declaring my intentions of working out more, I actually did it. It seems to me that by writing things out loud I tend to hold myself accountable.

After a scrum-diddly-uptious dinner at PF Chang's, I somehow managed to drag myself down to the gym and run for 40 minutes. I was so proud of myself that I said, "Self, why don't you wake up early and go to the gym?" Boo-ya, I did it. 45 more minutes on that treadmill. The whole time I was running, I couldn't help but hum the song "Let's get physical, physical, C'mon and get physicaaaaal" to myself the whole time. Then I thought to myself how horrible it would be if it were still prudent for women to wear those ridiculous sweat bands and leggings while working out. Not everyone can look as hot as Olivia Newton John in the "my-leotard-is-over-my-pants" look.

Let me hear your body talk?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go for you for working out after that dinner. I, on the other hand, went home and sat on my ass. Way to go, ho!

October 13, 2004 at 4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had "Let's Get Physical" in my head all last week. Remember the video.. with all those fat sweaty guys that morph into weird, homoerotic, overly muscular guys.. kinda like John Basedow from Fitness Made Simple.

I'm sorry I missed your visit to Reno last week.


October 14, 2004 at 11:51 PM  

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